Friday, February 2, 2007

Stephen Heppell Wows the Crowd!

OSLA spotlight speaker Stephen Heppell (in black) with OSLA President Michael Rosettis and conference planning committee members Pat Elliott, Bobbie Henley and Lisa Teodosio.

At most conferences I can identify that aha moment, when someone's new ideas take hold of my imagination and stimulate all sorts of new thought processes. This SuperConference didn't let me down on this front - in fact, there was more than one aha over the course of today. Clearly, though, the OSLA spotlight speaker Stephen Heppell was the inspiration that will motivate my post-conference learning journey over the next year. And I know that I'm not alone. The crowd at this morning's spotlight session was transfixed by his ideas about learning in the 21st century, and how libraries are so well positioned to transform our students' learning experiences. The follow-up break-out session was filled to overflow, with people fetching chairs from neighbouring rooms and filling up all of the standing room. Astounding stuff.

Congratulations to the OSLA conference planning team, for bringing Stephen to us. I think we should spread the wealth, and invite Stephen back as an all-conference plenary speaker in the future.

Visit Stephen Heppell's website at

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