Thursday, February 1, 2007

Coming home to Super Conference

Hi all!

This is my 11th Super Conference and I've loved every one! I've been to the CLA conference twice, once when it was combined with ALA, and I have to say I prefer OLA's Super Conference. It's like coming home!

Super Conference is, at the same time, both extraordinarily energizing and totally exhausting. I've made it through day 1 - three sessions, the exhibit floor, the OLA Store...and two trips to the car to drop off loads of stuff so I could keep going. Having finally (!) been invited to join my school's literacy committee (I'm a high school Teacher-Librarian), I've been focusing on literacy sessions so I can bring lots of information and ideas back to the committee (thus making it blindingly obvious that of course school libraries and literacy are connected). I entered more draws than usual this year up in the exhibit hall. Frankly, given the budget situation, my collection development plan amounts to "win stuff"! Well, I'd best go get ready for day two - see you there.


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