Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The First DAY

Wild and Crazy day in TO!! My coworker and I arrive to pay a hideous amount in parking fees and sally forth to the preconference. I got to see the opening of the Forest of Reading Event - chatted with pals K.Kacer and Loris L! Always nice to see the finest in Canadian Children's Literature at OLA.

The forest was a zoo. Thousands of screaming children - I felt like I was back at my department (yes - I am a Childrens Librarian). But the best part of the day was the preconference session "Every Child Ready to Read" . It rocked my world. I am so excited to take what I learned today back to my library and implement it. Also a bit overwhelmed. After all Hamileton Public Library had 20 staff members working on this - I have , like, me and maybe a volunteer or two.

Pehaps I should lay off the caffine for the rest of the conference. Do some meditation, breathe, put myself in a transendental mode. Ahhhhh, that's better.

Or not......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I found out that I may be on a selection committee (I can't tell you which one - watch for confirmation later). Yippppeeeeeeeeeeeee! I see lots of work in my future.

Well, off to the opening plenary, then the P-A-R-T-Y!!!!!!!! Get down with the sassy librarians.

Later fellow library dudes!


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